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Lifestyle Section for Sale

Lot 1/& Lot 5 Wharehine Road Wellsford, Rodney

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  • Land: 49 ha (121 acres)

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Lot 1/& Lot 5 Wharehine Road, Wellsford, Rodney

Lifestyle Section for Sale in Wellsford

120 acre farm in 2 titles

  • Land: 49 ha (121 acres)

120 mixed contour acres currently being used for dry stock grazing, in 2 titles with a small 2ha* covenanted mature grove of native trees.
Now open to offers below the CV.
Good limestone track through a portion of the farm, with the Wharehanu Creek crossing the property, South to North.
The property is divided into approximately 10 paddocks with most of them supplied from water pumped to a 20,000 litre reservoir at a high point near the Wharehine Road, which then gravity feeds to all paddocks, except a back paddock which has an independent dam supply.
Lot 5 is 41.0518 ha and lot 1 is 7.8755 ha.
Fencing is a combination of 3 wire electric and some post, wire and battened fences.
There is a 72sq.m. farm shed with a concrete floor with a lockable 10sq.m. storage/workshop room, which has power to it.
Please call or text me to arrange a viewing.
These two blocks of land have road frontage with accesses either side of 856 Wharehine Road, but please do not enter 856 Wharehine Road as this is a entirely separate property with nothing to do with the sale of this land.
With an easy tarsealed drive to Wellsford and State Highway 1.

* approximately

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Property ID:



49 ha / 121 acres



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